Lynn's Corner of the World

Kalia's Toybox

Kalia's Toybox
Cai's Kennel
The Stableyard
Family Photo Album
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This page is dedicated to the worship of Princess Kalia, our benevolent dictatoress.


Kalia is two years old now, and going strong. She talks wonderfully, even putting together pairs of sentences that are related. Her latest is "Can I ask you a question? What is <insert item here>?" She continues to amaze us, and amuse us with the things she comes up with and her contagious laughter.


For a Terrible Two, Kalia's very good natured. She's having a cranky time now with two year molars coming in, but even with that is not very tough to take. She is, however, exhaustingly energetic, and I'm thankful for the dogs, because they wear her out. ;)

Playtime at the park.

Growing fast!

Kalia, with Daddy and her English uncle, Tavis. Sheila took the picture, and we were all having a very fun day at the park in Kansas City while Tavis was visiting for a week in 2004.



Foods - Grapes, Carrots, Ice Cream, Cookies, and Kiwi.
Television shows - Maisy, Dora the Explorer, Miffy the Bunny.
Pajamas - Pink ones. She has several pair, but always asks for her pink pajamas at bedtime.

Favorite Toys:

Talking Blue, Dolly, Tonka dump truck.. with construction helmet, and her Appaloosa stick horse that whinnies and plays music.