Lynn's Corner of the World

Kalia's Toybox
Cai's Kennel
The Stableyard
Family Photo Album
Links and Contact Info


I've decided on a massive overhaul of the site. So, bit by bit, it's going to go back up in a new format. There will be pages for Kalia, for our family vacation to Colorado, our pets, and my hobbies, as well as a links page.
So bear with me while I'm working on it, and hopefully it will be finished soon.

I'll also include little tidbits of amusing quotes, or pictures that are humorous to me for one reason or another.
If I get around to it, there may even be a "Famous Guys I Love" page. No surprises, Vin will dominate, but I've recently developed a fetish for Gerard Butler, of Reign of Fire, Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life, and notably, The Phantom of the Opera... which I loved.


What's New?

We're settled into the new house.. the move was accomplished right before Christmas. My Aunt Linda and Uncle Dick were my first family visitors, unfortunately, during our worst ice storm yet this winter. ;)
We have a puppy.. a red Doberman Pinscher with cropped ears. His nickname is Cai.. we're working on a registered name, but likely as not, it will be Jbars Dangerous Liaisons. Kalia loves him, and pursues him all around the house, shouting "Cai-cai!! Come here!" at him, which of course, he mostly ignores.

Our Backyard.. which is currently mud. Nice view though, eh?



Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.